Bob Marley? Tak da yang istemewa sangat pada aku. Sebab aku bukannya peminat sesuatu aliran muzik. Muzik hanya bunyi-bunyian pada aku.
Bob Marley bukan seorang berugama Islam yang mempunyai "makam" yang tinggi seperti wali mahupun nabi. Beliau hanya seorang manusia yang menyampaikan sesuatu mesej. Dia dipercayai telah melihat perancangan yang diaturkan oleh puak reptilian untuk manusia sejagat. Kemungkinan besar beliau menolak dari terlibat didalam perancangan pihak zion yang dioperasikan oleh CIA.
Malangnya beliau tidak menutup mulutnya seperti Dato Onn Jaafar. Beliau bertindak mengingatkan manusia sejagat perancangan dan kejadian yang diaturkan oleh puak zion untuk meneruskan agenda NWO. Akhirnya beliau dihapuskan. Banyak teori-teori konspirasi diatas kematian Bob Marley. Did the CIA really kill Bob Marley? How’s that for a Blunt Question? This is only one of many Blunt Questions that remain unanswered nearly 22 years after Bob Marley’s translation from this world into another dimension.
When the newz broke in Jamaica on May 11, 1981, that Bob Marley had passed on from this world at the Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Miami, the immediate and initial response by politically savvy Rastafarians in Jamaica was that the Reggae Maestro had been murdered, or more correctly, assassinated! At the time, the Rastas didn’t know exactly who, when, where or how, but they knew enough to suspect foul play with extreme prejudice. Of course, anyone who heard that reasoning, scoffed at it. After all, everyone knows that cancer is a fatal disease, and Bob had it and died from it and that’s a great pity… but murdered? How ridiculous! Maybe, or maybe not. Not when you stop and really think about it. Who would want to? Who would be able to and how could it be done so skillfully without suspicion?
It’s almost like the classic scenario that Detective Lieutenant Columbo of TV fame, would stumble and fumble his bumbling way into. Only to find that the seemingly straight forward ‘death by natural causes’, was really the ‘perfect murder’ in disguise. After all, who ever would even suspect the possibility of something as bizarre as that occurring? So for the past 20 years, music lovers around the world have been mourning the ‘untimely’ passing of Bob Marley, accepting that the Reggae Legend died of ‘natural causes’ (really unnatural, because what’s ‘natural’ about cancer?) Thus, as we move swiftly into a new millennium and an impending New World Order, a mounting body of information is seriously suggesting that Bob Marley was the victim of an elaborate assassination scheme that resulted him being literally ‘taken out’ –right there in broad daylight on center stage before the eyes of the whole world.

Since the late 1970’s and on into the early 1980’s, the New York City and Houston, Texas, Police Departments have led the way in compiling official reports on the Rastafari Movement. The NYPD in particular, not only described Rastafarians as dangerous, gun-shooting, drug-dealing, criminal Jamaican Posse members, but actually profiled and described dreadlocked Rastas as “terrorists”. The largest police operation in the history of Washington DC, ‘Operation Caribbean Cruise’ back in the late 1980’s, was designed to prove once and for all the drug-dealing, gun-running connection between Rastafarians and the Jamaican criminal posses that were said to be even more ruthless and trigger happy than the Italian Mafia and Organized Crime. “Operation Caribbean Cruise’ never made the nightly news outside of DC, because the police dragnet came up empty…. But for about five guns (not the high powered automatic weapons anticipated) and a minimal amount of drugs.
Despite these failed attempts to tarnish and taint the reputation of the Rastafari Kulcha, Bob Marley and Peter Tosh continued leading the way for a world wide revolution in thinking and thought. Their militant brand of hardcore Rootz Reggae was revolutionary in its impact. The Word Sound & Power of their Muzik, inspired political, economic, social and religious changes all over the globe. The anti-apartheid movement in South Africa drew inspiration from Marley Muzik; the Zimbabwean freedom fighters engaged in a guerrilla struggle against Ian Smith’s colonial Rhodesian settler regime, drew inspiration from Marley Muzik; even young, rich White kids in America from name-brand families were starting to hang out at Wailers concerts, were starting to dig the message in Marley’s muzik and were becoming inspired to work for social change and to “Chant Down Babylon” That was motive enough for Marley’s murder.
Marley was succeeding in a rhythmic revolution that utilized music as a more efficient tool than guns and bombs. Bob Marley, his mere personae, his instantly and internationally recognized image and look, his use and promotion of the “Wisdom Weed’, his verbal and material support of global Pan-African Liberation, and the fact that Bob Marley had become a millionaire –a Black Jamaican-born, pro-African, independent-thinking millionaire Rastaman- who could now put his own money where his mouth was and finance whatever project he wanted to… All of these factors made Bob Marley a very serious threat to the North American status quo and to the hidden power brokers trying to implement their plan for a New World Order.
By 1980, Bob Marley was the most popular ‘Third World’ muzik star on the planet and his immense influence was growing geometrically. The final straw that prompted clandestine covert operations against Marley was probably when Bob put the immortal words of HIM Emperor Haile Selassie I to muzik in the brilliant composition entitled “War”. When they heard: “Until the color of a man’s skin makes no more significance than the color of his eyes, there will be war… Until there are no first or second class citizens of any nation - war… Until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, have been toppled and utterly destroyed - War. And until bigotry, prejudice and malicious and inhuman self interest have been replaced by tolerance, understanding and good will… everywhere is war.” When the CIA types heard that song, they brought in the heavyweights and the battle went to another dimension. Unfortunately, Bob Marley never really knew that he had already been “Marked For Death”. And as Del Jones chronicles inhis “Culture Bandits” series of books, Bob was soon eradicated as a revolutionary 3rd World Icon and replaced in the early 1980’s by an androgynous (blurred gender), surgically altered, cosmetically bleached Michael Jackson.
O.K., so now you agree that they had a reason and a motive to kill Marley, but now you’re wondering, how could they give him cancer? According to the popular version of events, Bob is supposed to have contracted cancer after bruising his toe and losing a toe-nail while playing soccer in France in 1977. In his revealing book, “Marley And Me”, former Wailers manager Don Taylor notes that an unknown doctor came and gave Bob a still unknown injection in his toe right after the ball game was interrupted Malignant cancer, originating in the same toe, was diagnosed some time after. But the origin of the melanoma (the most virulent and deadly kind of cancer found in Humans) that took Bob’s life, may be concealed in little known events that took place at an even earlier time.
In a very interesting cover article published in the February 2002 issue of High Times magazine, the authors disclose that in 1976, Carl Colby, son of ex-CIA Director William Colby, visited the Hope Road home of Marley and gave the Reggae Star a gift in the form of a pair of boots. The High Times article quotes eyewitnesses as saying that Bob cried out “Ow!” when he stuck a foot in one of the boots. Something had jucked (stuck) him in the toe(s). Talk about being aware or beware of “Greeks baring gifts”. Subsequent investigation of the boot by hand, retrieved a piece of copper wire that had been sticking up inside the footwear. Entitled, “Chanting Down Babylon: The CIA and the Death of Bob Marley”, the High Times article went on to pose another Blunt Question: had the copper wire found in Bob’s new boot been chemically treated with a carcinogenic toxin? There is no doubting that with today’s technology, carcinogenic (that is cancer-causing) substances can be introduced into the human body very easily by a variety of means. By food, drink, smoke, sex, a pin/wire prick, or with the spike of an umbrella.
As the High Times article also observed, 1976 was a time when Jamaica, under the leadership of the Democratic Socialist and pro-Castro Prime Minister Michael Manley, was known to be under direct destabilization efforts by the CIA. According to High Times, Marley and Tosh as Reggae musicians, were targeted in particular because they were using their music to alert the Jamaican people to the dangers of the ongoing CIA covert operations. The visit to Marley by Carl Colby, who was supposedly posing as a member of a foreign film crew, took place a week after the “Ambush In the Night” during which Bob and Rita Marley and Don Taylor were all shot and wounded during the first upfront assassination attempt.

Most people took that attack as involving only local partisan politics, with the opposition JLP not wanting Marley & the Wailers to perform at the PNP-Government sponsored and free Smile Jamaica concert days before a hotly contested General Election in Jamaica in December 1976. Marley appeared and performed for a mostly inner-city, urban audience on the Smile Jamaica Concert in the National Heroes Circle, in spite of the gun attack.
At the other, final end of this melodrama, we find Dr. Josef Issels, the supposedly holistic immuno-therapist who treated Bob in Germany after his collapse in Central Park, New York, in late 1980. Information is coming to light that Issels is an ex-Nazi doctor who may be implicated in some of the more nefarious practices associated with German medical studies and practices from the Hitler era. This may explain the painful, starvation-diet based treatment program inflicted on Bob by Dr. Issels. So we want to know: Who exactly is this Dr. Josef Issels? Does he indeed have a Nazi past? And what precisely did his ‘unorthodox’ cancer treatment entail? These Blunt Questions also need Blunt Answers.
At the end of the day and at the end of this article, we’re basically at the same place we were when we started. Just like the following truism indicates: “There are more questions than answers”. Nevertheless, muzik fans and people of good will owe it to themselves and to Bob Marley, to continue asking these Blunt Questions, and should demand that answers be given by the powers that be and those in the know. In the meantime, the final Blunt Question for all of you reading this, is: Bob Marley was willing to get up and pay the price for Standing Up for his Rights and for seeking Liberation from political and mental slavery for his people. Are you?
Bob Marley Quote # 1: ;(I drive) a jeep. An old jeep, so nobody will say I'm driving a BMW anymore. I couldn't stand that BMW, ha ha ha! BMW make pure trouble! ;
Bob Marley Quote # 2: ;A little wine sometimes, that's all. Spirits (are) bad. Alcohol wrong. Herb does grow ;
Bob Marley Quote # 3: ;Bob Marley isn't my name. I don't even know my name yet ;
Bob Marley Quote # 4: ;But my hand was made strong by the hand of the Almighty ;
Bob Marley Quote # 5: ;Do you admire any women? Dat woman in America...Angela Davis. A woman like that who defends something; me can appreciate that ;
Bob Marley Quote # 6: ;Do you have a record contract? I have a recording agreement. What's the difference? One is an agreement and one is a contract! I am a man who deals by ear ;
Bob Marley Quote # 7: ;don´t forget your history nor your destiny ;
Bob Marley Quote # 8: ;Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold ;
Bob Marley Quote # 9: ;Don't Let them fool ya or even try to school ya ;
Bob Marley Quote # 10: ;Don't worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright ;
Bob Marley Quote # 11: ;Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind.. ;
Bob Marley Quote # 12: ;Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny ;
Bob Marley Quote # 13: ;Every time I plant a seed, He say kill it before it grow, he say kill it before they grow ;
Bob Marley Quote # 14: ;Excuse me while I light my spliff good God I gotta take a lift ;
Bob Marley Quote # 15: ;Facts an' facts, an' t'ings an t'ings: dem's all a lotta fockin' bull#. Hear me! Dere is no truth but de one ;
Bob Marley Quote # 16: ;Free speech carries with it some freedom to listen ;
Bob Marley Quote # 17: ;Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction ;
Bob Marley Quote # 18: ;Here come a man like me saying 'Don't vote!' Rasta no vote ;
Bob Marley Quote # 19: ;Hey mister music, sure sounds good to me I can't refuse it what to be got to be ;
Bob Marley Quote # 20: ;How good and how pleasant it would be before God and man, yeah to see the unification of all Africans ;
Bob Marley Quote # 21: ;How long will they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look? ;
Bob Marley Quote # 22: ;How much do you smoke? Plenty ;
Bob Marley Quote # 23: ;I believe in freedom for everyone, not just the black man ;
Bob Marley Quote # 24: ;I don't stand for the black man's side, I don' t stand for the white man's side. I stand for God's side ;
Bob Marley Quote # 25: ;I go to jail one time for no driver license ;
Bob Marley Quote # 26: ;I handle fame by not being famous...I'm not famous to me ;
Bob Marley Quote # 27: ;I have a BMW. But only because BMW stands for Bob Marley and The Wailers, and not because I need an expensive car ;
Bob Marley Quote # 28: ;I have got a running stream of love you see. So no matter what stages.. they put us through, we'll never be blue ;
Bob Marley Quote # 29: ;I like to see you move with the rhythm; I Like to see when you're dancing' from within ;
Bob Marley Quote # 30: ;I like Wagner's music much better than anybody's. It's so loud that one can talk the whole time without people hearing you ;
Bob Marley Quote # 31: ;I love the development of our music, that's what I really dig about the whole thing. How we've tried to develop, y'know? It grows. That's why every day people come forward with new songs. Music goes on forever ;
Bob Marley Quote # 32: ;I pledged to work for righteousness. God's given me inspiration. God's the boss, he tell me what to do ;
Bob Marley Quote # 33: ;I want to give you some love, I want to give you some good good lovin' ;
Bob Marley Quote # 34: ;I want to say 'I Shot The Police' but the government would have made a fuss so I said 'I Shot The Sheriff' instead...but it's the same idea: justice ;
Bob Marley Quote # 35: ;If I am guilty I will pay ;
Bob Marley Quote # 36: ;If you are the big, big tree, we are the small axe, ready to cut you down! ;
Bob Marley Quote # 37: ;If you get down and quarell everyday, you're saying prayers to the devil, I say ;
Bob Marley Quote # 38: ;I'm a man of God and me come to do God's work ;
Bob Marley Quote # 39: ;in the abundance of water, the fool is thirsty ;
Bob Marley Quote # 40: ;In this bright future you can't forget your past ;
Bob Marley Quote # 41: ;Is the foolish dog, bark at the flying bird ;
Bob Marley Quote # 42: ;I've been here before and will come again, but I'm not going this trip through ;
Bob Marley Quote # 43: ;Just can't live that negative way... make way for the positive day! ;
Bob Marley Quote # 44: ;Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live! ;
Bob Marley Quote # 45: ;Man can't do without God. Just like you're thirsty, you have to drink water. You just can't go without God ;
Bob Marley Quote # 46: ;Man is a universe within himself ;
Bob Marley Quote # 47: ;Me can't tell you how me know Rastafari. It is pure vision ;
Bob Marley Quote # 48: ;Me only have one ambition, y'know. I only have one thing I really like to see happen. I like to see mankind live together - black, white, Chinese, everyone - that's all ;
Bob Marley Quote # 49: ;My future is righteousness ;
Bob Marley Quote # 50: ;My music fights against the system that teaches to live and die ;
Bob Marley Quote # 51: ;My music will go on forever. Maybe it's a fool say that, but when me know facts me can say facts. My music will go on forever ;
Bob Marley Quote # 52: ;No bullet can stop us now, we neither beg nor will we bow neither can be bought or sold ;
Bob Marley Quote # 53: ;No man can lead man, we have to have unity ;
Bob Marley Quote # 54: ;None but ourselves can free our minds ;
Bob Marley Quote # 55: ;Oh Mockingbird have you ever heard words that I've never heard ;
Bob Marley Quote # 56: ;One good thing about music, when it hits- you feel no pain ;
Bob Marley Quote # 57: ;Only the fittest of the fittest shall survive, stay alive ;
Bob Marley Quote # 58: ;I'm not educated; I'd be a damn fool if I was (educated)! ;
Bob Marley Quote # 59: ;Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living? ;
Bob Marley Quote # 60: ;Overcome the devils with a thing named love ;
Bob Marley Quote # 61: ;People want to listen to a message, word from God. This could be passed through me or anybody. I am not a leader. Messenger. The words of the songs, not the person, is what attracts people ;
Bob Marley Quote # 62: ;Politics no interest me. Dem devil business.... Dem a play with peoples minds. Never play with peoples minds ;
Bob Marley Quote # 63: ;Rastafari not a culture, it's a reality ;
Bob Marley Quote # 64: ;Rastaman vibrations gonna cover the earth! Like the water cover the sea! ;
Bob Marley Quote # 65: ;Rise O fallen fighters, rise and take your stance again, He who fight and run away, Live to fight another day ;
Bob Marley Quote # 66: ;Sometimes you have to fight with music ;
Bob Marley Quote # 67: ;'Tell the children the truth' ;
Bob Marley Quote # 68: ;The authorities tell you that you mustn't smoke herb because it's bad for you. Yet if they catch you at it they'll carry you off to prison. I think it's better to be smoking herb out here free than being in prison ;
Bob Marley Quote # 69: ;The first thing you must know about me is that I always stand what I stand for. Good? The second thing you must know about yourself listening to me is that words are tricky. So when you know what me a stand for, when me explain a thing to you, you must ne ;
Bob Marley Quote # 70: ;The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tommorrow ;
Bob Marley Quote # 71: ;The more people smoke herb, the more Babylon fall ;
Bob Marley Quote # 72: ;The power of philosophy floats through my head, light like a feather, heavy as lead ;
Bob Marley Quote # 73: ;The stone that the builder refused to lay should always be the head corners stone. You're a builder baby; here I am a stone ;
Bob Marley Quote # 74: ;To make music is a life that I have to live ;
Bob Marley Quote # 75: ;Until the philosophy which hold one race superior and another inferior is finally discredited and abandoned...WAR! So that is prophecy, and everyone know that is truth. And it came out of the mouth of Rastafari ;
Bob Marley Quote # 76: ;We are the children of the Rastaman we are the children of the higher man ;
Bob Marley Quote # 77: ;We should really love each other in peace and harmony, instead we're fussin' n fighting like we ain't supposed to be ;
Bob Marley Quote # 78: ;Well, me don't swim too tough so me don't go in the water too deep ;
Bob Marley Quote # 79: ;What does rasta mean? Righteousness ; ;
Bob Marley Quote # 80: ;When one door is closed, don't you know, another is open ;
Bob Marley Quote # 81: ;When the cats away, the mice will play! ;
Bob Marley Quote # 82: ;When the race gets hard to run. It means you just can't take the pace ;
Bob Marley Quote # 83: ;When You smoke herb it reveals you to yourself. All the wickedness you do is revealed by the herb --- it's you conscience and gives you an honest picture of yourself ;
Bob Marley Quote # 84: ;You ain't gonna miss your water until your well runs dry ;
Bob Marley Quote # 85: ;You can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the timeYou can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time ;
Bob Marley Quote # 86: ;You have to be someone ;
Bob Marley Quote # 87: ;You smoke herb in Zimbabwe? Yeh, One night we go to a soldier place and a guerilla call out to me and give me a touch of something...and that was it. No wonder they won the war! Tell ya boy, dem mon smoke some good herb mon! De tell me they smoke that herb and feel brave. Them tell me it make them...invisible ; ;
Bob Marley Quote # 88: Your worst enemy could be your best friend, and your best friend your worst enemy ;
By Qi Badd
| Thursday, May 26, 2011
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