Archive for June 2011
11 rahsia yang mesti diamalkan bagi yang ingin menjadi kaya.
ADA orang yang melalui berbagai-bagai kesusahan untuk mencari rezeki. Sudah bekerja keras membanting tulang, kadang-kadang kaki di atas kepala di bawah, bersimbah peluh bermandi keringat, namun rezeki yang dicari masih jauh dari keselesaan hidup yang diharapkan. Otak sudah mula tersumbat bila hutang-hutang mula menghambat. Kekayaan dan keselesaan yang dicari tidak ditemui. Habis sudah segala usaha. Bahkan ada yang terlalu tertekan kerana desakan hidup terlalu menghimpit, sehingga sanggup membunuh diri kerana merasa tak sanggup untuk terus hidup lagi.
Ada yang sanggup melakukan segala cara untuk mendapatkan rezeki. Akibatnya muncullah peminjam wang haram, perasuah, pencuri, penculik, perompak, penipu bahkan hingga sanggup membunuh, memutuskan silaturrahmin dan meninggalkan ibadah kepada Allah kerana leka mencari rezeki.
Sesungguhnya mereka lupa bahawa yang memberi rezeki itu adalah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Allah SWT, Yang Maha Kaya. Allah juga menunjukkan cara, serta sebab – sebab turunnya rezeki dengan penjelasan yang lengkap, jelas, hanya kita saja yang tidak mau mengikutinya.
Dia, Allah SWT menjanjikan keluasan rezeki kepada siapa saja yang berusaha serta menggunakan cara – cara yang sudah ditunjukkan kepada kita, Allah juga memberikan jaminan bahwa mereka yang mengikuti petunjuknya akan pasti berjaya serta mendapat rezeki yang banyak tanpa batas.
Diantara sebab-sebab atau kunci pembuka rezeki ialah :
1. Takwa Kepada Allah dgn sebenar-benar takwa.
2. Istigfar dan Taubat.
3. Tawakkal kepada Allah
4. Silaturrahmin
5. Infaq
6. Menyambung haji dengan Umrah
7. Berbuat baik kepada orang lemah
8. Serius dalam beribadah
9. Bersedekah.
10. Berkahwin..lagi?
11. Berniaga
Aku berniat nak jadi sangat-sangat..sangattt kaya raya, selesa dan bahagia hingga keakhir hayat. Marilah kita mencari kebahagiaan, baik kebahagiaan dunia apalagi kebahagiaan di akhirat. Silakan renungkan. Semoga kebahagiaan selalu bersama kita....aminn.
By Qi Badd
| Monday, June 13, 2011
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Primitive form of communication with sophisticated tool
So I’m sitting in an average size living room watching a couple of people texting each other rather than carry on a conversation. Isn’t that weird?
Apparently it’s becoming common practice. Texting is everywhere.
Why is it that a growing number of people prefer to text rather than converse, or to make phone calls, or to even leave voice messages?
And why is it that ever since texting has become the preferred one-way method of distance communications (anything beyond 2 feet), no one but old fashioned fools bother to directly answer their phones anymore?
Well I had a hunch but I decided to do a little internet research concerning texting vs. talk. The many comments I read confirmed my suspicions.
"It's more straight and to the point.”“I can ignore or respond at my own leisure.”“It is so much more easily accomplished through a few words of text without all the niceties and formalities of a phone call!”“Texting is direct, to the point without the small talk involved in phone conversation.”“I hate talking on the phone.”“I know some people who keep me on the phone way longer that I'd like.”“If I don't have time to have a full attentive conversation, I have to text.”“It’s so easy to flirt and exchange small bits of banter. It's playful and possible that someone might find it easier to text risqué thoughts than saying it face to face or on the phone.”“It's just convenient and quick.”“I can keep in touch with people who I don't see often but don't want to call.”“The only con for me with the texting is sarcasm gets taken for seriousness and it offends people. Soooo I gotta watch what I text”
“When I text, I just want to bark or whisper my message. I want to make you laugh or smile, but I don’t want to get into anything complex or time consuming. I don’t want to listen to you at least not right now. I want to share something quick, easy, and right at my finger tips.”
“It’s all about me. That’s what it’s really all about. Me, me, me and what I want when I want it and I really am not interested in what you want when you want it. God forbid that I would have to perform niceties and endure formalities for your sake!If I called you I’d have to listen to you because you would introduce into the conversation something you wanted to talk about. I just don’t have time for that. Life is too short and I’ve got a really cute Avatar sweetie in Second Life that will do exactly what I want when I want it. And I don’t need to sweet talk or small talk my honey Avatar. So just text me back when you have a chance and it better be important because I’ve got a life! Really I do.”
By Qi Badd
| Sunday, June 12, 2011
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Illuminati control..beware!
Do you want your children and grandchildren to live in a futuristic “big brother” control grid where everything they do is watched, recorded, tracked and tightly controlled? Well, that is exactly where things are headed.
We witnessed some really bad totalitarian regimes during the 20th century, but what is coming is going to be far more restrictive than any of the despots of the past ever dreamed was possible. Today, nearly every government on earth is tightening their grip on their citizens. Paranoia has become standard operating procedure all over the planet and nobody is to be trusted.
Global politicians will give speeches about liberty and freedom even as they undermine them at every turn. There are very, very few nations on the planet where liberty and freedom are increasing. Instead, almost everywhere you turn the “control grid” is getting tighter. Governments don’t want us gathering together and interacting with one another.
Instead, they want us to work our tails off to support the system, they want us enslaved financially and constantly drowning in debt, and they want us addicted to television and other forms of entertainment. They want us as numb and docile as possible. Meanwhile, all over the globe they continue to construct a futuristic “big brother” control grid that will ensure that they will always be able to control us.
Sadly, this is not the plot to some post-apocalyptic science fiction movie.
This is really happening.
When you read the list below, each of the 32 signs may not seem to be all that significant individually. However, when they are all taken together, they paint a truly frightening picture….

#1 The days of the free and open Internet are slowly coming to an end. Many nations around the world have implemented strict Internet censorship and many other nations are moving in that direction. With each passing year the level of freedom on the Internet diminishes.
Regulation of the Internet has even become a primary topic of discussion at G-8 meetings. According to The New York Times, French President Nicolas Sarkozy is leading the charge for a more “civilized Internet”….
Leaders of the Group of 8 industrialized countries are set to issue a provocative call for stronger Internet regulation, a cause championed by the host of the meeting, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, but fiercely opposed by some Internet companies and free-speech groups.
Why are free speech groups strongly opposing what Sarkozy is trying to do?
It is because western governments want to kill liberty and freedom on the Internet just like China is doing. The Internet has been a great tool for waking people up and distributing information, and the control freaks that want to run all of our lives do not like that one bit.
#2 Internet censorship in China, the largest nation on earth, is absolutely brutal. The Chinese government blocks any websites that talk about such topics as the Dalai Lama, the 1989 crackdown on Tiananmen Square protesters and Falun Gong.
Even web searches for the English word “freedom” are blocked.
#3 Starting next year, all new cellphones will be required to contain a chip that will allow the president to broadcast “emergency alerts” to the cellphones whenever the president wants. Cellphone users will not be allowed to opt out of the presidential messages.
The following is how a CBS news report describes the new system….
A new national alert system is set to begin in New York City that will alert the public to emergencies via cell phones.
It’s called the Personal Localized Alert Network or PLAN. Presidential and local emergency messages as well as Amber Alerts would appear on cell phones equipped with special chips and software.
#4 The U.K. has more surveillance cameras per citizen than anywhere else in the world. In fact, according to one estimate, there are 4.8 million video cameras constantly watching every move citizens make.
#5 A “certified TSA official” was brought in to oversee student searches at the Santa Fe High School prom last weekend.
Will this kind of thing soon be happening at every high school in America?
#6 The U.S. Department of Agriculture is spending huge amounts of money to install surveillance cameras in the cafeterias of public schools so that government control freaks can closely monitor what our children are eating.
The following is how a recent article posted on describes this new program….
Billed as part of an effort to reduce obesity and improve eating habits, small cameras are programmed to take snapshots of lunch trays before and after each student eats. Each child is uniquely identifiable via a barcode attached to the tray. The amount of calories and nutrients that each child has consumed is then calculated via a database containing 7,500 different varieties of food.
#7 The EU is spending hundreds of millions of euros on propaganda campaigns in an attempt to convince the citizens of Europe that the EU is good for them.
#8 Today, FBI surveillance teams regularly employ warrantless GPS trackingto monitor the movements of peaceful activists – even if they are not suspected of ever committing a crime. The Obama administration is fighting in court to keep this practice legal.
#9 According to FBI Director Robert Mueller, “homegrown terrorists”represent as big a threat to American national security as al-Qaeda does.
#10 Federal VIPR teams are establishing a series of “internal checkpoints” all across the United States. The following is how a recent article by Paul Joseph Watson described these VIPR team activities….
The TSA has announced its intention to expand the VIPR program to include roadside inspections of commercial vehicles, setting up a network of internal checkpoints and rolling out security procedures already active in airports, bus terminals and subway stations to roads and highways across the United States.
By the way, who in the world decided that it would be a good idea to call them “VIPR teams”?
What is next? Are we going to find out that the TSA has hired Cobra Commander and Destro as consultants?
#11 Thousands of “dysfunctional” families in the U.K. are being subjected to intensive 24-hour surveillance to make sure that their children attend school, go to bed on time and eat proper meals.
#12 U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer says that Amtrak should have a “no ride list” similar to the “no fly list” used at U.S. airports.
Before you can get on an airplane today, your name is checked to make sure that it is not on any international watch lists.
So what do you have to do to get on an international watch list?
Nobody really knows.
What is next?
A “no breathe list”?
#13 U.K. authorities are now admitting that every phone call, text message, email and website visit made by private citizens will be stored for one year and will be available for monitoring by government agencies.
#14 The amount of cell phone surveillance that goes on is absolutely staggering. For example, one German politician named Malte Spitz recently went to court to force Deutsche Telekom to reveal how often his cell phone was being tracked. What he found out was absolutely amazing. It turns out that in just one 6 month period, Deutsche Telekom recorded the longitude and latitude coordinates of his cell phone 35,000 times.
#15 DARPA has now developed new video surveillance technology that many are warning will bring about the end of public anonymity. The following is how the ExtremeTech blog is describing this new technology….
To be in public is to be on camera, but most video footage is discarded, as only so much can be sorted and analyzed — until now. DARPA has created a technology that can index and analyze video in real-time, marking the end of anonymity in public places.
#16 In the U.K., it is now illegal to photograph the police for any reason whatsoever.
#17 Police in the U.K. have purchased software that will enable them to easily follow the “digital footprints” of virtually anyone. The following is how one recent news report in the U.K. described this new software….
The Metropolitan Police has bought Geotime, a security programme used by the U.S. military which tracks suspects’ movements and communications and displays them on a three-dimensional graphic.
The software aggregates information gathered from social networking sites, GPS devices like the iPhone, mobile phones, financial transactions and IP network logs to build a detailed picture of an individual’s movements.
#18 In Tacoma, Washington a seventh grade student was recently questioned by the Secret Service about a message that he posted on his Facebook page.
Be very careful about what you put up on Facebook or Twitter. The entire world can see it.
#19 According to the ACLU, state police in Michigan are using “extraction devices” to download data from the cellphones of motorists that they pull over. This is taking place even if those pulled over are not accused of doing anything wrong.
The following is how an article on CNET News describes the capabilities of these “extraction devices”….
The devices, sold by a company called Cellebrite, can download text messages, photos, video, and even GPS data from most brands of cell phones. The handheld machines have various interfaces to work with different models and can even bypass security passwords and access some information.
#20 Last year, one shocking poll found that 51 percent of Americans agree with this statement: “It is necessary to give up some civil liberties in order to make the country safe from terrorism.”
#21 The MPAA and RIAA have submitted their master plan for enforcing copyright rights to the new Office of Intellectual Property Enforcement and it includes installing spyware on everyone’s computers that would detect and delete any infringing materials.
#22 The U.K.’s new Internet law includes a “three strikes” rule that allows your entire family to be cut off from the Internet if anyone who lives in your house is accused of copyright infringement – without proof or evidence or trial.
#23 Would you like to have your face scanned and your ID recorded every time you attend a public event? Don’t laugh. The San Francisco Entertainment Commission is actually proposing a new rule which “would require all venues with an occupancy of over 100 people to record the faces of all patrons and employees and scan their ID’s for storage in a database which they must hand over to law enforcement on request.”
#24 Today, the U.S. government and governments all over the industrialized world have become so obsessed with reducing carbon emissions that now they even tell us what kinds of light bulbs we are allowed to buy.
#25 The Obama administration is developing a universal “Internet ID” program that would watch, track, monitor and potentially control your activity on the Internet. These “trusted identities” are being touted as a way to increase safety and security on the Internet and as a way to eliminate the need for dozens of different usernames and passwords.
#26 As I have written about previously, the “Internet kill switch” is rapidly becoming one of the favorite new tools of tyrannical governments all over the globe….
Once upon a time, the Internet was a bastion of liberty and freedom, but now nation after nation is cracking down on it. In fact, legislation has been introduced once again in Congress that would give the president of the United States an “Internet kill switch” that he would be able to use in the event of war or emergency. Of course there would be a whole lot of wiggle room in determining what actually constitutes a true “emergency”. The members of Congress that are pushing this “Internet kill switch” bill want the U.S. to become more like China in this regard.
#27 A shocking document released by Wikileaks proves that high level U.S. government officials have been pushing for North American integration. According to the document, some of the goals of this integration would be to turn North America into an economic zone similar to the EU, to have one common currency for the entire continent and to have one common “security perimeter” for the entire continent.
Let us hope that a plan like this never comes to pass.
#28 One of the most liberty-killing pieces of legislation in recent years was the Patriot Act. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Republicans and the vast majority of Democrats will never vote against the renewal of the Patriot Act because they don’t want to look “soft” on terrorism.
About the only U.S. Senator to stand up against the Patriot Act is Rand Paul. He is doing all he can to fight a one man battle against the Patriot Act but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is doing his best to extend the Patriot Actwithout any debate taking place.
Top Democrats are attempting to claim that even debating the renewal of Patriot Act provisions would “endanger” national security.
Of course most Republicans are not going to stand in the way because they absolutely love the Patriot Act.
If you still believe that the Patriot Act is a good idea, you should watch this video, and you should read this recent article.
#29 If you display the wrong political message on your car, you may find law enforcement officials cracking down on you.
A 73-year-old Virginia resident was recently kicked out of a national park for displaying a sticker promoting “Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty” on his car.
The following is an excerpt from a recent Rutherford Institute report about this incident….
The Rutherford Institute has come to the defense of a 73-year-old Virginia resident who was allegedly ordered by a park ranger to remove his car from a national military park in South Carolina because of political messages attached to his vehicle. Jack Faw, whose ancestors fought in the historic battle memorialized at Kings Mountain National Military Park, contacted The Rutherford Institute after being told by a park ranger that the decal promoting a political organization associated with Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), which was displayed on the back window of Faw’s car, was not allowed in the park.
#30 Brutal crowd control techniques are not just for major events anymore. Recently, riot police in Illinois used tear gas, LRAD sound weapons and crowd suppression tactics against a bunch of college students that were just blowing off some steam at a year-end block party at Western Illinois University.
#31 The U.S. government is gathering more information on all of us than ever before. According to a recent article in the Baltimore Sun, every six hours the volume of information that the NSA gathers is equivalent to the entire Library of Congress.
Nobody is anonymous anymore. The truth is that the U.S. government, governments across the globe and major international corporations have more information about you than you probably ever dared to imagine.
#32 If you think things are bad now, just wait until you see what global authorities have planned for the future.
Are you ready to live in a “Planned-opolis”? Are you ready to use a “calorie card” and to have what you eat determined by a “global food council”?
The following video was originally produced by the Forum for the Future, a major NGO funded by big corporations such as Time Warner and Royal Dutch Shell. In this video, the Forum for the Future presents their chilling version of the future….
By Qi Badd
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2) Afghanistan has 11 letters.
3) Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters.
4) George W Bush has 11 letters.
This could be a mere coincidence, but this gets more interesting:
1) New York is the 11th state.
2) The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number 11.
3) Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. 9 + 2 = 11
4) Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers, was carrying 65
passengers. 6+5 = 11
5) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11 as it is now known. 9 + 1+ 1 = 11
6) The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number 911. 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
Sheer coincidence..?! Read on and make up your own mind:
1) The total number of victims inside all the hi-jacked planes was 254. 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.
2) September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year. Again 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.
3) The Madridbombing took place on 3/11/2004. 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 11.
4) The tragedy of Madrid happened 911 days after the Twin Towers incident.
Now this is where things get totally eerie:
The most recognized symbol for the US, after the Stars & Stripes, is the
Eagle. The following verse is taken from the Quran, the Islamic holy book:
"For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The
wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah while some
of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced: for the wrath of the
Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah and there was peace."
That verse is number 9.11 of the Quran.
unconvinced about all of this Still ..?!
Try this and see how you feel afterwards, it made my hair stand on end:
Open Microsoft Word and do the following:
1. Type in capitals Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first plane to
hit one of the Twin Towers.
2. Highlight the Q33 NY.
3. Change the font size to 48.
4. Change the actual font to the WINGDINGS
By Qi Badd
| Thursday, June 9, 2011
| No Comments »
NWO evolving world system
The New World Order -- You have probably heard these words used in recent years, perhaps beginning with President George Bush in 1990.
But what does this phrase mean? Who has been using the expression? When and where did this idea of a new world order originate? How will this new world order be implemented? More importantly, how will this new world order affect you?

The words "new world order" have been in use for decades, and did not originate with President Bush. The "old world order" is one based on independent nation-states. The "new world order" involves the elimination of the sovereignty and independence of nation-states and some form of world government.
Most of the new world order proposals involve the conversion of the United Nations and its agencies to a world government, complete with a world army, a world parliament, a world court, global taxation, and numerous other agencies to control every aspect of human life (education, nutrition, health care, population, immigration, communications, transportation, commerce, agriculture, finance, the environment, etc.). The various notions of the "new world order" differ as to details and scale, but agree on the basic principle and substance, and will mean the end of the United States of America, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights as we now know them.Origins of The New World Order
In the late nineteenth century, with the industrial revolution sweeping Europe and America, certain individuals dreamed of a world far different from the one in which they lived, a world organized in such a way that wars would be impossible and every aspect of human life would be arranged by educated men for the benefit of all. These dreamers included men of great ability and wealth who devoted their talents and fortunes to carry out their plans. The point of origin of these people was England, and their idea initially was to extend the British Empire to include the whole earth. If British rule were complete, how could there be any reason for war, and who could attempt it?
The most prominent of the individuals who developed the idea of a new world order were Cecil Rhodes, Andrew Carnegie, and members of the Fabian Society, particularly H. G. Wells.
Cecil Rhodes went from England to Africa in an attempt to improve his poor health, and acquired enormous wealth by developing diamond mining properties. He died in 1902 and donated his fortune to establish a Rhodes scholarship program at Oxford University to carry out his ideas. The scholarships were to go to promising young men from the British colonies and the United States, with the majority going to Americans.
Andrew Carnegie went from Scotland to the United States and founded U. S. Steel, earning for himself a substantial sum of money. Carnegie used his wealth to set up foundations to fund educational, religious, and political organizations to "cultivate the international mind" and promote world peace. Some of his money went to the Federal Council of Churches. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was established, and began funding educational initiatives. By the end of World War II, the U. S. State Department was largely controlled by Rhodes scholars and members of this Carnegie Endowment, and was emphasizing the idea of world peace through the United Nations.
The Fabian Society was a group of intellectuals in England who believed that socialism was the way to organize the world for social and economic progress. H.G. Wells was originally a member of the Fabian Society and wrote extensively on political topics, influencing thinking in international affairs. In one of his books, entitled The New World Order (1939), Wells stated that world socialism was inevitable, and that there would be a difficult and painful transition period in which many "quite gallant and graceful-looking people" would "die protesting against it."
Structure of The New World Order
The basic concept of the new world order is world government. For Rhodes and Carnegie, it was British rule expanded to cover the earth, or at least British influence through English-speaking countries to organize the rest of world according to the English way of life and thinking. Wells and others set out to bring the world under socialism, step by step, in a gradual process. Over the years, proposals were made successively for world federation, a League of Nations, and the United Nations.
The new world order is to be implemented through regionalism. Basically, the world is to be divided into geographical regions, internationally, nationally, and locally, and these regions are to be the new units of government, replacing the old, traditional notions of nation-states, cities, towns, villages, etc. Control over every aspect of human life is to be exercised in the form of an administrative dictatorship, from the top down, through an enormous bureaucracy of appointed officials, specialists, and planners accountable only to the elected executives.
Political power is to be concentrated in the executive branch of government, removing it from the control of the people through their elected legislative representatives. The choices presented to the people for the elected executives are limited to candidates selected by the political establishment, and not by the people themselves. In this way, the outward form of democracy is retained to an extent, but the power is entirely taken away from the people and concentrated in government.
The transition to world government is being carried out gradually, with appropriate "education" of the populace, until the system is fully in place. Forces have joined together to push for world government, first by one means, and then by another after the first method meets opposition. These forces never stop. They never admit defeat. There is only delay, and then new ideas of how to bring the entire world into a planned administrative system.
By Qi Badd
| Friday, June 3, 2011
| No Comments »
Evolusi..Dulu dan Kini
Adakah maksudnya mereka telah berjaya.

Mentega yang selalu aku sapu pada roti masa aku kecik-kecik..Masyaallah..dari kecik lagi aku dah terlibat dengan zionis tanpa mak bapak aku sedari..eeeiii..

Terkini, masih mentega yang sama tapi berlainan bintang..kasi modified skitt..public da pandai sebab ada internet.
By Qi Badd
| Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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